Public Health Service
IV. Sources
-. Official Sources
-. Literature
-. Links
Below I have listed reference material about the Public Health Service that might be useful for all who want to get more information. Many of these sources I have used for the background information presented on this website. This list is not meant to be a complete arrangement. I'm still searching for more and I would be very happy about everyone who can recommend further interesting material. 
Official Sources

1945 United States Government Manual, Office of War Information, Pages 444-448, Washington, D.C.

Beth Furman, A Profile of the United States Public Health Service, 1798-1948, (Government Printing Office).

Ralph Williams, The United States Public Health Service, 1798-1959, (Commissioned Officers Association).

PHS numbered Circulars, Regulations for the Government of the United States Public Health Service, 1931, with amendments, 1931-44.


Fitzhugh Mullan, Plagues and Politics: The Story of the United States Public Health Service (Basic Books)

Joycelyn Elders and David Charnoff, Joycelyn Elders, MD: From Sharecropper's Daughter to Surgeon General of the United States (Morrow).

Victoria Harden, Inventing the NIH: Federal Biomedical Research Policy, 1887-1937, (Johns Hopkins University Press)

Thelma Robinson, Cadet Nurse Stories: The Call for and Response of Women During World War II, (Center Nursing Press).


The Office of the
Public Health Service Historian 
. Fantastic website for all who search for more historic information about the Public Health Service. Offers serveral interesting articles and some good illustrations.

[ I. Development ]..[ II. Facts about the PHS ]..[ III. PHS Uniforms ]..[ IV. Sources ]

